Giger was informed about the Dune project by Bob Venosa, an American fantastic-realistic painter who lived in Cadaques and visited
Salvador Dali regulary. It was a project regarding a three hour sience-fiction movie
in which Dali was going to play the main character. He eventually was refused again because of his pro-Franco remarks.
Giger met the movie
director Alexandro Jodorovsky in Paris. Four sience-fiction artists already worked on the designs of spaceships, sattelites and planets for the movie. Jodorovsky
was enthusiastic about Giger his work and asked him to help with designing the planets.
Giger was allowed to design a complete planet all by himself. Three-dimensional models were build using his drawings. Giger also helped designing costums, masks and
other utilities. His own planet was ruled by evil forces. People made use of black magic, aggression, fighting and other perversities. Only sex was not allowed
because Jodorovsky did not want this movie to be censored.
Much later the movie was finally realized by David Lynch, without Giger however.