Friedrich Kuhn was born in 1926 in Gretzenbach, Switzerland.Giger met him 3 years before he died as great artist
and alcoholic. At that time Giger didn't really realize what addiction to alcohol meant and thought of it rather as comic. As he
said himself, he didn't see the torment and despair of his friend yet.
Kuhn was a painter from the heart, a precursor of the Jonge Wilden. His early work showed some similarities to Picasso.
Everything he got into turned into art. Friedrich also was an artist of life and played the 'grand-seigneur'. Besides he was incredible smart.
Sometimes he just played drunk so he could tell his opinion directly to others. Giger and Kuhn respected each other completely. It was also Kuhn
who suggested Giger to trade their work in stead of paying
for it.
Eventually the alcohol problem of Kuhn grew bigger and bigger. In public he became more and more noisy and annoying. His persecution mania began and he eventually
died because of his addiction in 1972 in Zurich.
In the painting Hommage a Friedrich Kuhn Giger tried to portray his friend as a magician.